The Pinetops Study focuses the “great opportunity” we face in these next years: to reach and disciple the Next Generation, a culture increasingly disengaged from church impact.
We are meeting with New England specialists this fall to design the best plan for a strategic gathering in 2022 focused on Next Gen.
Stay tuned for details!
If you would like to receive info about the upcoming Consultation, please email us your request and we’ll be in touch.
Be encouraged! Amidst all our wearisome efforts to contend with the pandemic challenges, God is on the move! We’re seeing clear evidence of a disciple making movement emerging across New England.
At the recent Consultation in November 2020, Victoria Kowarick shared her enthusiasm for what could be our greatest opportunity right now: to meet regularly with one or two others who are open to growing as a disciple of Jesus. For the moment, put aside all the programmatic, technological details for “getting everybody back together” and think about someone you can invest in - a life on life, intentional disciple making relationship. Watch her presentation (See Video Below) and see if you sense a “carpe diem” for your ministry.
Check out this perspective on Disciple Making by Jim Singleton, presented at the Thriving in New England’s Consultation in June 2020.
Thrive in New England? You mean churches? Skeptics are in the millions - including many solid Christians, regular church goers, and yes, even pastors.
But we see it differently. A fresh wind is blowing across the region bringing hope and expectation. The Cecil B. Day Foundation has published two provocative surveys of almost 40 churches that have experienced exceptional results in outreach, evangelism and discipleship. Those congregations may be the forerunners of a larger movement that is gradually taking shape throughout the six New England states.
Read one pastor's perspective on the "second greatest commandment" and what it means for New England today.
Evangelistic programs don't work like they once did in New England. The majority of people coming to Christ are doing so because of the witness of a personal friend/family member. How can we be more intentional as witnesses for Christ? Click below for some ideas!